Ear Seeds- Ancient Technique To Effortlessly Shed Pounds

Credit- www.goodmorningamerica.com

In the quest for weight loss, many individuals find themselves navigating through a maze of diets, supplements, and exercise routines.

However, there’s a fascinating alternative that has been used in China since ancient times called the ear seeds.

They are non-invasive seeds, which are strategically placed on specific points of the ear, offering a unique approach to weight management.

In this article, I will delve into the intriguing world of the ear seeds and explore the phenomenon of this tool for supporting weight loss naturally.

What Are Ear Seeds

Ear seeds are also known as auricular seeds are tiny, non-invasive devices used in a therapeutic practice called auriculotherapy.

Auriculotherapy dates back thousands of years, with its root in traditional Chinese medicine. It had been shown to be written on an ancient text of Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon).

The belief of this practice is based on that our ears reflect the entire body, and certain points of the ear correspond to various organs, systems, and functions.

The ear is considered a microsystem, reflecting a miniature map of the entire body. So by stimulating these points, it is thought that balance and harmony can be restored to the body.

What Are Ear Seeds Made Out Of?

They are typically made from natural materials that are safe and hypoallergenic. The choice of material can vary depending on personal preferences and the specific therapeutic purpose.

Here are some common materials used for ear seeds:

Vaccaria Seeds

These are small round seeds that come from the Vaccaria plant, which is a type of flowering plant in the soapwort family.

Vaccaria seeds are often preferred due to their size, shape, and texture, which provide gentle and effective stimulation when applied to the ear points.

Metal Alloy

Metal alloys such as stainless steel or gold-plated metal offer durability and are suitable for individuals with sensitivities to natural plant-based materials.

They can provide a slightly different sensation when applied to the ear points compared to seed-based ear seeds.

Magnetic Pellets

Magnetic pellets are another variations that you can use. These small magnets are often encased in a hypoallergenic adhesive patch.

The magnetic pellets are believed to have additional benefits by utilizing magnetic fields to stimulate the ear points.

Uncommon Types

Besides Vaccaria seeds, there are other natural materials like cowrie shells, semi-precious stones, and herbal pellets.

These alternative materials are less common but can provide unique properties or aesthetic appeal if that is a deciding factor for you.

The Potential Science behind Ear Seeds for Weight Loss

Even though the practice of using ear seeds for weight loss has gained popularity, it’s important to note that scientific studies on it are limited.

The existing research provides preliminary insights into their potential effects, but more rigorous studies are needed to establish their efficacy.

Below are some studies that had been conducted:

Regulate appetite and cravings

It can have the potential to regulate your appetite and cravings~ contributing to weight management efforts.

Firstly the stimulation of certain parts of your ears can activate the vagus nerve, which plays a role in regulating appetite, digestion, and feelings of fullness. This activation may help regulate appetite and promote a sense of satiety.

Secondly, it can reduce your adrenocorticotropic hormone. The key function of this hormone is to activate the production of another hormone called the cortisol.

Now cortisol is a stress hormone and if you get an excess amount of them in your bloodstream, it can lead to emotional eating, which is where you eat just to alleviate some of the negative emotions.

Thirdly some points of the ears are associated with the endocrine system and hormonal balance. This can support regulating hormone levels that are involved in hunger and satiety signals such as ghrelin and leptin.

Balancing these hormones may contribute to better appetite control and reduced cravings.Click here to read the study.

Energy Flow Regulation

The chinese believe that the body is comprised network of energy paths known as meridians and it facilitates the flow of vital energy called Qi.

Spleen and Stomach meridians are partake for digestions and the transformation of food into energy.

Stimulating ear points that correspond to these meridians is thought to help balance digestive functions, optimize nutrient absorption, and regulate appetite.

The Liver and Gallbladder meridians correlated with balancing your emotions and allow the Qi to flow smoothly.

These meridians are believed to help balance emotions, reduce stress, and address emotional eating patterns.

Kidney meridians are recognized to play a role in water metabolism and fluid balance. Imbalances in these meridians can contribute to water retention and bloating.

So targeting ear points associated with these meridians, it is thought to aid in the regulation of water metabolism and reduce fluid retention.

Scientific evidence is limited to this theory but here is one related study that has been done.

Improve Sleep

People don’t realize but sleep is an important component when it comes to weight loss.

Sleep deprivation throws off the whole body’s normal function, one of which is increasing your hormone ghrelin (hunger hormone) and reducing leptin (feeling full hormone).

Few research has revealed the positive effect that auriculotherapy has on sleep such as this one. The reasons behind this are vague and further analysis needs to be conducted.

Firstly certain ear parts are connected with the endocrine system and can influence the production & regulation of melatonin. This is an important hormone that partakes in the sleep-wake cycle.

Secondly, it supports the regulation of the autonomic nervous system~ it is responsible for managing various bodily functions including sleep.

This can promote a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems~ something that is essential for inducing a state of relaxation and facilitating better sleep.

Finally as mentioned before it can reduce your overall stress levels. Elevated stress levels can lead to difficulty falling asleep and shorten the duration of sleep.

How To Incorporate Ear Seeds Into Your Weight Loss Journey

Due to this method being unusual, the starting process can be a bit tricky. Therefore here are some tips to aid you in taking your first step:


Before starting you should familiarize yourself with different techniques. Here is one step for using Vaccaria Seed.

  • Clean the ear thoroughly.
  • Use tweezers to hold a vaccaria seed, which is a small, round, and prickly seed commonly used in ear seeding.
  • Position the seed on the selected point and press it gently onto the skin.
  • The prickly texture of the seed helps it adhere to the ear without the need for additional adhesive.
  • Repeat the process for other points, if applicable.
  • When it’s time to remove the seeds, use tweezers to carefully lift them off the ear.

If the seed is not staying in place, you can apply tape to secure it.

Safety & Hygiene

You need to absolutely make sure that proper hygiene is being applied to minimize the risk of infections or other complications.

Here is a short guide that you can follow:

  1. Firstly clean around your ears using an antiseptic wipe. This will disinfect the area and minimize the risk of any harmful bacteria causing any infections or irritation.
  2. Store your ear seeds in a clean and dry container or package to maintain their sterility. Avoid touching the adhesive surface or the exposed part of the seed to prevent contamination.
  3. If you have sensitive skin, select hypoallergenic materials for example stainless steel. The chance of facing symptoms of allergic reactions is lower when using these types of materials.
  4. Never share the seeds with other people, each set should be used by one individual only~ this is to prevent the spread of any infections.
  5. Keep the ear seed area dry and avoid excessive moisture, such as from swimming or excessive sweating. Moisture can compromise the adhesive quality and increase the risk of skin irritation or infection.
  6. If you have a known skin sensitivity or allergy, test a small area of the skin with an ear seed before applying them to the entire ear.
  7. When it’s time to remove the ear seeds, do so gently. Peel off the adhesive or carefully lift the seeds using tweezers. Avoid pulling or forcefully removing them to prevent skin irritation.

Placement On The Ear

Correct placement of ear seeds is crucial for targeting specific points believed to be associated with weight loss. But be advised that these points can slightly change for some people.

Below is a diagram showing the whole points of the ears.

By- https://naowellness.com/ear-seeds-weight-loss/
  1. Hunger Point (Shen Men):
    • It is located at the upper midpoint of the ear. Stimulating this point is believed to help reduce cravings and curb excessive hunger
  2. Endocrine Point:
    • Located in the bottom half of the ear near the ear lobe. This point can help balance hormonal functions, supporting weight regulation.
  3. Mouth Point:
    • Found in the middle of the ear at the opening of the ear canal. This part is known to reduce emotional eating and cravings.
  4. Spleen Point:
    • This is placed on the right side of the mouth point. Spleen points can support digestion and increase the efficacy of nutrient absorption.
  5. Kidney Point:
    • Located above the spleen point. Stimulating this can help regulate the fluid balance and support the elimination of waste products.

Consultation With Professionals

To get the best results and ensure everything goes right, consult with a professional.

There are many benefits you get from interaction:

Accurate Point Selection– A trained professional can determine the specific ear points that are most relevant to your individual needs. Their expertise ensures accurate point selection, maximizing the potential benefits for your specific goals.

Personalized Treatment Plans- Professionals will design a tailored plan specific to your needs by taking into account your lifestyle factors and medical history. Monitoring and Adjustments– They can assess how your body responds to the ear seeds and make appropriate adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

Plan For Weight Loss

Even though ear seeds are a viable method for weight loss, it’s not enough by itself to provide sufficient results.

They work best when combined with a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise.

This strategy optimizes your chances of achieving sustainable and balanced weight management.

Balanced Diet

If you are not counting your overall daily calories then cutting down on weight can be challenging.

People start losing weight when they are on a caloric deficit which basically means consuming fewer calories than what your body requires.

This can be achieved by eating whole foods, including lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables.

These types of foods will contribute to increasing satiety~ helping you feel fuller for longer thus reducing the chances of cravings occurring and overeating.

While counting your calorie intake you should also aim to cut down on junk foods and focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Acquiring these nutrients is vital for overall health, energy levels, and metabolic functioning. By nourishing your body with quality nutrients, you can support your weight loss goals and maintain optimal well-being.


Getting into a caloric deficit can get tough through diet only, so you need a vehicle to burn off additional calories to make getting to this state easier.

Another benefit of exercise, particularly strength training, it helps build and maintain lean muscle mass.

The reason why you want this is because muscles are more metabolically active compared to fat tissue. What this means is that the muscle requires more energy than fat to function.

Therefore by increasing lean muscle mass, your metabolism will increase leading to greater calorie expenditure throughout the day.

Exercise is also known to reduce stress levels by encouraging the release of endorphins also known as “feel-good” hormones.

Good Sleep

You can think of sleep as the foundation. If the quality of sleep starts worsening for a prolonged period, all of the good habits that you had been implementing can come crashing down.

Sleep deprivation disturbs the balance that regulates appetite and hunger levels such as decreasing leptin (the hormone that signals satiety) and increasing ghrelin (the hormone that stimulates hunger).

Sufficient sleep is essential for maintaining a good energy balance. Without it, you will feel fatigued and have less motivation to engage in physical activities.

Relating to physical activity, sleep plays a role in muscle recovery and repair. Getting a restful sleep enhances exercise performance and helps optimize the benefits of physical activity in your weight loss journey.Furthermore, lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism, by altering your glucose metabolism and hormones that play a major role in the metabolic processes.


Are There Any Side Effects?

In most cases, ear seeds are completely safe to use, without having to worry about any adverse effects. However, some people might experience: 

  • Irritation of skin
  • Discomfort or Pain
  • Infection
  • Allergies 

Remember the side effects for most parts arise from not keeping good hygiene habits. So make sure to clean your ears properly and sterile the materials that are being used.

Are Ear Seeds Good For Weight Loss?

By stimulating different points of the ears, it can enhance certain parts of your body~ supporting you with weight management.

For example, by targeting the stomach point, it can improve your digestion and regulate your appetite.

Does Using Ear Seeds Hurt?

They should not cause any significant pain when applied correctly. This is because the seeds are placed on the outer ear through the use of adhesive tape and no piercings in the skin are required.

Therefore they are typically painless and comfortable to wear.


Ear seeds are an ancient technique used in traditional Chinese medicine.

They are a non-invasive seeds, which are placed on certain area of the ear to receive various benefits such as aiding in weight loss.

It can be difficult to precisely place the seeds, on the exact point that you desire at the beginning, thus working with a trained professional will smooth out the process.

If you go for the solo route, esure good hygiene is maintained throughout the use of the seeds.

To get the best results, incorporate a balanced diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle habits such as getting enough sleep.

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