Alpilean The Ice Hack- Legit Or A Scam?

The term ‘Alpilean Ice Hack’ has gained popularity in recent times for its effects on supporting weight loss.

The ice hack expression refers to a weight loss supplement called the Alpilean, which promises to help individuals lose weight without the need for strenuous exercises or strict diets.

Unlike most supplements, Alpilean is made out of natural ingredients found in nature and is not chemically synthesized ~ this ensures that the nutrients can be easily absorbed by the body while significantly lowering the chance of any side effects.

Alpilean promotes weight loss by safely raising your core temperature and giving your  metabolism a boost.

In this article, I will review everything you need to know about Alpilean to help you make an appropriate decision.

What Is Alpilean? (Ice Hack)

Alpilean launched its business on October 30, 2022. But despite being a newer brand, their popularity has flourished due to the amazing effects people have been seeing from taking their capsules.

They are a weight loss supplement based in the United States marketed towards helping to cut down your weight.

The supplement is formed using six natural plant-based ingredients that work toward increasing your metabolism and leading to higher fat burn.

According to their website, these ingredients include Turmeric root, Golden Algae, Bigarade orange, Dika nut, Ginger root, and Drumstick tea leaf.

How Does Alpilean Help With Weight Loss?

We can all probably agree that losing weight is not an easy task.

To make things more difficult, your body actually starts lowering your metabolism, when you begin to lose some pounds~ this is where Alpilean comes into play.

All of the Alpilean ingredients help to increase your core temperature~ this stops your metabolism from dropping too low, which is why it is known as ice hack.

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy and it can vary depending on your lifestyle, age, and weight.

So if less food gets burned off through energy production, the unused amount then turns into fat and is stored around your body.

Therefore raising your metabolism has a direct effect on how many calories your body burns every day without you having to put any effort in.

For that reason, you can eat more food without gaining weight, as your body is able to burn additional calories to produce energy.

Maintaining your metabolism will be key not only to losing weight but to keep them off for good.

Furthermore, specific ingredients have other functions that help with weight loss as well such as aiding digestion, lowering cholesterol, reducing oxidative stress, and supporting healthy blood sugar.

What Can Cause Metabolism To Reduce?

Your metabolism is something that can be easily overlooked because it’s something that you cannot see or feel.

However, it can have a major impact on how successful your journey will be for cutting down weight.

Below are some things that can cause slowing of the metabolism:

Not Enough Water

Drinking enough water has numerous important benefits for maintaining optimal health~ this includes your metabolism. When we don’t drink enough water, several negative effects can occur that can significantly impact it.

Firstly dehydration can slow down our metabolism, leading to a reduced ability to burn calories. When we are dehydrated, our bodies may try to conserve energy by slowing down metabolic processes, including the breakdown of stored energy such as fat. This can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

Secondly, not drinking enough water can lead to a build-up of waste products, as it is needed to flush out toxins through the production of urine.

When these waste products, toxins, and free radicals accumulate, they can interfere with cellular metabolism and contribute to oxidative stress, inflammation, and even chronic diseases.

Thirdly, dehydration can also affect our blood sugar levels, which is an important factor in regulating our metabolism.

Insufficient water intake has been linked to insulin resistance~ this disturbs your blood sugar regulation, thus making it harder for our bodies to effectively use glucose for energy.

No Resistant Training

Resistance training or also known as strength training is a type of physical activity that involves using weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises to inflict pressure on to your muscles to build strength and endurance over time.

People have the misconception that building muscles are only for athletes or for people who are called the ‘gym rats’, but it also plays a role in how many calories your body burns at rest.

When you undergo resistant training, you are inflicting damage to your muscle fibers causing mini tears. When your body repairs those parts, they come back thicker and stronger from this process.

How this helps with weight loss is because muscles are metabolically active, meaning that they require a lot higher energy to function compared to fat tissues.

Hence as you start adding lean muscle mass your resting metabolic rate will also increase.

Muscle mass can decrease as you age or even when you start losing weight, therefore you can see how not adding these forms of training can be detrimental to your metabolism.

A study was conducted where adults went through 6 months of resistant training~ the result was a 7.4% increase in their resting metabolic rate.

Insufficient Sleep

The body’s metabolic function is regulated by a variety of hormones and neurotransmitters, many of which are affected by sleep~ one such hormone is leptin, which regulates appetite and energy intake.

One study shows that when sleep is disrupted, levels of leptin decrease, leading to increased hunger and food cravings. This increase in caloric intake can ultimately lead to weight gain and decrease your metabolism over time

Additionally, lack of sleep increases your stress hormone called cortisol.

If the amount of cortisol exceeds the normal range this can hinder your insulin secretion and decrease overall insulin sensitivity.

When this happens, the body is less able to efficiently utilize glucose for energy, so instead the excess amount will get stored as fat tissues.

Sleep deprivation also leads to a decrease in growth hormone secretion~ they are an important hormone for muscle growth and recovery.

When growth hormone levels are insufficient, the body is less able to build and maintain lean muscle mass, which is essential for a healthy metabolism.

According to the Sleep Foundation, an adult should be snoozing for at least 7 hours every night.

If you are struggling to get a good night’s rest, then you can upgrade your normal bed into a smart one to give you the quality sleep that you deserve.

What Ingredients Are In Alpilean?

Alpilean is formulated using 6 plant-based ingredients with no other synthetic chemicals added in.

Below I will list all of these ingredients and give you their benefits:

Golden Algae (Fucoxanthin):

Fucoxanthin is a natural compound found in marine sources such as Golden Algae.

One of the primary ways that Fucoxanthin has been shown to promote weight loss is by inducing thermogenesis, which is the process by which the body generates heat and burns calories.

It does this by promoting the fat oxidation in mitochondria within your cells~ supporting you to burn off the fat tissues on your body, therefore creating the ice hack.

Fucoxanthin also has anti-inflammatory effects on the body due to its high antioxidant properties.

Inflammation can cause the resistance to both insulin and leptin hormones.

Insulin ability is absolutely needed to ensure that glucose is being used effectively by our cells.

As for leptin, it is a hormone that controls our appetite, so if resistance occurs, you won’t get the feeling of being full even if you just had a big meal~ resulting in over-eating.

Bigarade Orange- (Citrus bioflavonoids):

Citrus bioflavonoids are a group of phytochemicals that are found in citrus fruits and their peels. These compounds have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including helping with weight loss.

They can activate the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme that plays a critical role in regulating energy metabolism in the body.

By activating AMPK, citrus bioflavonoids can help to increase the body’s basal metabolic rate, leading to more calories burned throughout the day.

Additionally, they also support your immune system. Maintaining a healthy immune system is important to kill off the foreign invaders and prevent you from getting sick.

This will keep your metabolism and fat oxidation running efficiently.

Dika Nut (African mango seed):

Dika nut is a natural compound of the mango seed, grown in the western tropical of Africa

One way that African mango seed helps with weight loss is by reducing your appetite.

The seeds are high in fiber content which helps to increase the feeling of fullness, thus reducing the overall calorie intake. This reduction in calorie intake can lead to weight loss over time.

Another way it supports weight loss is by reducing your bad cholesterols levels (low-density lipoprotein)

A controlled test was conducted with 24 adults with metabolic syndrome. Half of them were given the dika nut and the latter half a placebo.

In people who received dika nut, their blood sugar and bad cholesterol significantly reduced compared to the adults who took the placebo.

Ginger Root:

Ginger is a rhizome root plant that has been used in Asia for centuries both as medicine and an ingredient for cooking.

This one root is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that provide various health benefits.

Ginger root is rich in compounds called gingerols and shogaols. These have been shown to have different effects on our body which include anti-inflammation and an increase in metabolism.

Moreover, ginger root can also help to improve digestion and reduce bloating.

Going on a diet can cause bloating and lead to digestion problems. In this case, ginger can help reduce the inflammation in the gut, therefore leading to better absorption of nutrients and improving your overall digestion.

Drumstick Tree Leaf (Moringa leaf):

Moringa leaves are a plant that naturally grows from the drumstick tree in the foothills of the Himalayas.

The leaf is considered a superfood since they are filled with nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and thiamine~ for that reason it has been part of the traditional medicine in South Asia for many years.

Moringa leaves are low in calories but surprisingly they are high in protein~ just 100g of it contains 9.4g of protein.

Proteins are known to satiate your appetite due to their effects of lowering your hunger hormone called ghrelin.

Furthermore, they are also rich in an organic compound called the polyphenols. They increase your metabolism by inducing thermogenic within your body.

Turmeric Root:

Turmeric root is usually grounded into bright orange-yellow powder and is used commonly as a spice.

Ingesting turmeric can strengthen your digestive system by increasing the bile flow~ this encourages your body to produce more digestion liquid which in turn will make it easier to break down foods and allow your body use it as fuel.

Additionally, the compound within turmeric called curcumin has been demonstrated to reduce your sugar levels thus preventing weight gain from excess sugar.

How Much Does Alpilean Cost?

When you go on their official website you get three price points to choose from:

30- Days Worth Of Supply

In this option, you get one bottle that contains 30 capsules. As you take one a day, it should last you for a month.

It comes at a cost of $59.

90- Days Worth Of Supply

In this option, you get 3 bottles with 90 capsules.

It comes at a cost of $147 or $49 per bottle.

What’s great about this option is that you receive 2 free bonuses:

Bonus 1– is a 1-day kickstart detox guide. This gives you 20 recipes of various tea that detoxes your body~ this will complement the effects of Alpilean and make your weight loss more effective

Bonus 2– is a guide on mindset, which goes in-depth about how to manage stress, and calm your mind. It’s important to know how to cope with negative emotions effectively, if not they can throw off your hormone balance and lower your metabolism.

180- Days Worth Of Supply

You get 6 bottles with 180 capsules.

It comes at a cost of $234 or $39 per bottle. If you are about saving money, this is the most worthwhile.

Not only is the bottles cheaper but you also get both of the added bonuses and on top of that a free shipping as well.

Is It Safe To Take Alpilean?

Alpilean causes weight loss by stimulating natural effects on the body~ this is all done by the use of plant-based ingredients and no added chemicals.

The manufacturer states that Alpilean is formulated by doctors and made in an FDA-approved and cGMP-qualified lab.

Till now, no cases of side effects or adverse effects have been reported.

However, as the manufacturer states before taking any supplements, you should consult with your local doctors, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or are taking prescription medications.

As a safety net, each bottle comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. It states that if you are unhappy with their product for whatever reason and even if the bottle is empty, you get a full refund.


Alpilean is blowing up for producing great results and eliminating the risk of adverse effects due to the usage of clean ingredients.

The ingredients consist of 6 plants and they all work in harmony to raise your core temperature, therefore boosting up your caloric expenditure.

It is important to not just rely on supplements but apply some healthy life choices such as cutting out junk foods and performing regular physical exercises~ this will help you see results faster.

You have 60 days to try out their product and see for yourself if it’s a scam. If you are not satisfied with the results within this period you get a full refund.

So if you are curious, purchase this magical capsule and see for yourself what the hype is all about!

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