A Natural Solution: The Power Of Ginger oil for weight loss

Image by saponifier from Pixabay

In a world where weight loss has become a significant concern, many individuals are actively seeking natural solutions to support their weight management goals.

One such remedy gaining attention is ginger oil, which is derived from the potent ginger root.

Ginger oil possesses several properties such as inducing thermogenesis that may aid in weight loss.

This article will explore the potential benefits of ginger oil for weight loss and how it can be incorporated into a comprehensive weight loss routine.

What Is Ginger Oil?

How Is It Made?

The ginger oil is a concentrated liquid, derived from the rhizome or the root of the ginger plant called Zingiber officinale.

To help release some of the essential oil and vital bioactive compounds present in the ginger, the roots or rhizome are crushed into fine powders.

Then the grounded ginger is subjected to steam distillation. This entails placing the powder in a distillation chamber and passing steam through it.

This separates the volatile components including the essential oils from the ginger out of the plant.

The steam holds both water and oil, since the water needs to be discarded it is separated using a separating funnel.

The separated ginger oil undergoes filtration to remove any remaining impurities or plant particles. This process ensures that the final product is pure and free from contaminants.

Ginger Oil Effects

Ginger oils possess a rich nutritional profile and contain several key components that contribute to their numerous health benefits.

One key element it contains is potent antioxidants~ it protects the cells by neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative stress from occurring.

Another property it exhibits is its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which are primarily due to its natural components called Gingerols.

Additionally, the oil can promote digestive enzyme production which can improve nutrient absorption and facilitate the breakdown of food~ enhancing your overall digestion

Not only can this help alleviate symptoms of indigestion & bloating, but by improving digestion it can help your overall metabolism thus leading to better weight management.

Mechanisms of Ginger Oil for Weight Loss

Besides the health benefits, ginger oils also show promise in promoting weight loss.

Thermogenic Effects

Ginger oils are known to raise your body core temperature and there 2 ways in how it does this:

Theremogenis– Due to the presence of bioactive compounds like gingerol and shogaol, it promotes heat production within the body.

Increased circulation– It acts as a vasodilator that can widen your blood vessels~ allowing for greater blood flow and heat flow throughout the body.

Having this slight increase in body temperature will give your metabolism a boost, therefore supporting you to burn more calories.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Some studies have shown the effects that ginger has on lowering blood sugar levels.

The research suggests that it may improve insulin sensitivity by regulating insulin release.

As insulin sensitivity correlates to how the body responds to insulin~  by enhancing its sensitivity, the cells can take up glucose more efficiently~ reducing the amount of sugar circulating in the bloodstream and preventing it from turning into fat tissues.

Digestive Aid

Ginger stimulates the production and secretion of digestive enzymes such as amylase. These enzymes hold a crucial role in breaking down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Therefore, by boosting these enzymes, it will promote better digestion and nutrient absorption.

On top of that, gingerols help accelerate the stomach emptying its content into the small intestine, known as gastric emptying.

This prevents foods from lingering in your gut and causing feelings of discomfort & bloating.

Having better digestion means the nutrients from the foods are absorbed more efficiently~ supporting you with weight loss.

How To Use Use Ginger Oil For Weight Loss?

There are a few methods you can use ginger oil for weight loss:


For inhalation route, you can use different equipments:


  • Put boiling water into a pot or a large bowl (make sure the bowl or pot is on a stable surface).
  • Add 2-3 drops of the ginger oil and stir the water slowly.
  • Put your face into the steam at a bearable distance.
  • Enclose your head and pot with a large towel, to trap the steam in.
  • Close your eyes and take slow breaths through your nose and out with your mouth.
  •  Aim to stay in the steam for 5-10 minutes. 


  • Buy a diffuser that is compatible with essential oils.
  • Fill the diffuser with room temperature water and add 3-5 drops of ginger oil.
  • If you want you can add other essential oils into the mixture such as lemon or lavender oil to complement the ginger aroma. 


  • Add 1-2 drops of ginger oil to a handkerchief.
  • Rub the oil into the handkerchief using the end bits of the fabric and leave it to rest for a minute, so the fabric can absorb the oil fully.
  • You can fold or roll the handkerchief and store it in a sealable bag or pouch to preserve the scent.


To have a more localized benefit you can directly rub the oil onto a body part of your choice.

However, as ginger oils are highly potent it’s essential that before applying it to your skin, you dilute it with a carrier oil of your choice like coconut or olive oil.

A general guide is with every ounce of carrier oil used, you can 15 drops of ginger oil.

For added consideration, firstly only apply a little of the diluted oil on the skin and leave it for a day~ this is to see if you experience any allergic reactions.


This is one of many essential oils that you can ingest safely.

Just consuming on its own can give you an upset tummy and might not taste as nice, therefore the best method for ingesting is by adding it to your cooking process.

Adding just a few drops of the oil will give your dish a nice refreshing spicy taste with a nice warming of the body sensation.

How Effective Are Ginger For Weight Loss?

Ginger oil does not directly burn off body fat but instead some properties of ginger support with weight loss efforts.

As mentioned above, as ginger contains natural components like gingerols & shogaol, this can induce thermogenesis and aid with digestion, which both can help with weight management.

A meta-analysis was conducted, where multiple research data about ginger’s effect on weight loss were put together and compared.

It showed that consuming ginger had a positive effect on reducing their overall body weight.

That being said, to achieve effective weight loss and maintain it for the long term, various elements such as a healthy diet, sleep, and regular exercise should also be incorporated as part of your lifestyle. 


Weight loss occurs due to the intake of fewer calories than you expend each day. This is why it’s vital that you get into a caloric deficit state, in order for your body to start using body fat as fuel.

It’s also important to include whole foods rather than processed foods to ensure you are receiving a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants~ to provide the nutrients that the body requires to keep your metabasin running optimally.

Additionally consuming whole foods that contain a combination of macronutrients helps promote satiety and prevent overeating.

This is especially true for eating high proteins, as they have a higher satiety value, it keeps you satisfied for a longer period~ minimizing the potential risk of over-eating.


Performing any physical activity helps burn extra calories and assists you in reaching the calorie deficit state.

Combining cardio like running with resistance training not only helps burn calories but increases your metabolic rate.

As you slowly gain lean muscle mass through resistant training, your resting metabolic rate will gradually increase as well, since muscle needs more energy to function than fat.

Another benefit you can see is the impact that it has on your mental and emotional well-being.

Physical activity promotes the release of the feel-good hormone called endorphins, which will help reduce the symptoms of negative emotions such as stress and depression.

When you feel good mentally, you are more likely to make healthier food choices and stick to your weight loss plan.


Getting an inadequate amount of sleep can throw your hormonal balance out of whack.

For example, over-producing ghrelin which causes food cravings and reduces leptin~ the hormone that tells your body that it is full.

Research has shown sleep deprivation correlates with the lowering of metabolic function by impairing glucose metabolism leading to insulin resistance and can even increase the risk of type 2 diabetes & obesity. 

Getting quality sleep supports optimal metabolic function, helping to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight.

Other Essential Oil That Support Ginger Oil

Mixing ginger oil with other essential oils in a diffuser can give the aroma a unique twist, while also bringing in its own benefits that can aid with weight loss.

Citrus smell– To add a citrus element you can add either grapefruit or lemon, each with its unique benefits.

  • The Grapefruit essential oil is known for its uplifting and refreshing your mood. Combining grapefruit with ginger can create a stimulating blend that promotes a positive mindset and energy.
  • While lemon can promote a sense of clarity and focus, helping you maintain mental clarity during your weight loss journey.

Mint Blend– You can add peppermint essential oil to get a cooling and energizing odor. Combining peppermint with ginger creates a revitalizing blend that may support appetite control and digestion.

Spicy Blends– If you want to achieve a warm and comforting scent, you can add a mix of cinnamon oil. It is associated with balancing your blood sugar levels and giving your metabolism a boost.


Are There Any Side Effects Of Ginger Oil For Weight loss?

Ginger oil is generally considered safe for most people, however a few individuals can experience side effects such as skin irritation and an upset stomach.  

If you are applying on to your skin, absolutely make sure to do these 2 things:

  • Firstly, dilute the ginger oil with a carrier oil of your choice
  • Secondly, apply only a few drops on the skin at the beginning and leave it for 24 hours, this is to test if you are potentially allergic to the oil. 

If you are ingesting it, make sure to put only a few drops at the start~ this is to get your body familiar with the oil.

Who Should Not Use Ginger Oil

If you are a pregnant woman, consult with a healthcare provider beforehand, as ginger can cause complications such as worsening your symptoms of nausea.  

The same goes for individuals who are suffering from any underlying health conditions~  consult with a healthcare professional to confirm the oil won’t complicate your situation.

Is It Safe To Apply Ginger Oil On Your Skin Everyday?

If you are diluting the ginger oil with a carrier oil (at the ratio of 1 ounce of carrier oil = 15 drops of ginger oil) and are having no skin reactions you can use it every day if you wish to.

Can Ginger Oil Burn Belly Fat?

It does not directly burn off your body fat, but instead through its effects, it supports your weight management efforts.

These effects can entail metabolism boost, appetite control, and digestion support.


Incorporating ginger oil into a comprehensive weight loss routine may help boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and optimize digestion.

While ginger oil shows promise as a natural remedy for weight loss, it should be viewed as a complementary component rather than a standalone solution.

You should try to maintain a healthier lifestyle by getting quality sleep, performing physical activity, and having balanced meals.

It’s also crucial to take the correct precautionary step such as diluting the oil before using it, to reduce the risk of any adverse effects.

In conclusion, don’t let weight loss be a ‘ginger-fail.’ Harness the power of ginger oil and spice up your progress.

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